Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Education Belief Statement

I had not thought about my belief as a teacher at all, until I was inspired by a drama adopted from a Japanese manga Team Medical Dragon. You must be wondering what doctors had to do with teachers. Watching the main character Asada Ryutaro standing onto his belief with a heart to safe every life that he had as a patient regardless who is the person, in whatever environment, despite all the difficulties to fulfill the wishes of the patients. There might not be anyone as perfect as any character in stories never the less I was really inspired.

It made me think of the importance of belief. Our belief affects our action. Belief can be formed through our upbringing, reflection of daily life experience, result in socialization and many other factors. Hence, I try to brainstorm what is my belief on education. Below are some that I can think of after referring to others.

·         I believed education is to nurture a love of learning in children to bring them into the lifelong learning process where we helped to prepare the foundation by teaching and guiding the pupils to learn, to gain various skills, to expand their knowledge, potential and abilities, to guide them what is right and wrong, all these to prepare them for their life.

·         I believe that the process of learning cannot be valued without the achievement of knowledge, understanding, and skills, for it are the goal of achievement which gives reason for persistence of the process. 

·         I believed that every student is worthwhile and be treated with respect and love as a unique individual as no two children is the same.

·         I believe that student should be prepared for their life by giving them practical ways to apply their knowledge into daily life.

·         I believed that student learn to be a responsible citizen, where the school community allows students to apply and practice acceptable social skills and be accountable for their actions.

·         I believed that learning should be student centered where activities should be engaging, involving “hands on” and “minds on” experiences including different learning styles to develop pupil in all areas.

·         I believed that student needs a positive, motivating, safe and nurturing environment that fosters their desire to learn.

However, I finds that in many occasion I did not carry out things as I belief as such hence contradictions happened. Well, I guess to be able to do as one believes really required a strong heart with courage, wisdom, faith and love.


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